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Showing posts from June, 2021

India-Pakistan Bilateral Trade

 India-Pakistan Bilateral Trade: Past, Present & Future India-Pakistan Bilateral Trade: Past, Present & Future International   trade  assumes  a  great  significance  in  economic  development  of  both developed and developing countries. In the last three decades, particularly during 1990s and 2000s, most of the countries liberalized their trade as a part of economic reforms adopted  by  them  and  facilitated  by  the  WTO  policies.  One  of  the  most  significant developments in the area of international trade is the emergence of regional groupings especially bilateral trade relations in the every part of World trading system.   However,    the   potential   of   bilateral   trade   between   India   and   Pakistan   has   not materialized...

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Do probiotics have the potential to forestall the liver cancer?

Liver cancer is that the fifth commonest cancer within the world and therefore the third leading reason for cancer deaths. A healthy diet and modus vivendi square measure the key to preventing varied diseases. In recent years, probiotics, as a part of a healthy diet, have received increasing attention for his or her role in cancer bar and treatment, together with cancer of the liver. Do probiotics have the potential to forestall the liver cancer ? Liver cancer is that the fifth commonest cancer within the world and therefore the third leading reason for cancer deaths. A healthy diet and modus vivendi square measure the key to preventing varied diseases. In recent years, probiotics, as a part of a healthy diet, have received increasing attention for his or her role in cancer bar and treatment, together with cancer of the liver. Do probiotics have the potential to forestall liver cancer?  The incidence of cancer of the liver may be a terribly advanced method, controlled by a spread ...

Untrue : Are Turkish and Pakistani troops on their way to Palestine?

 Al Jazeera was quoted as saying on social media that "Turkish and Pakistani troops are on their way to Palestine." Saudi Arabia is scheduled to send an air force tomorrow. " An investigation by BD Factcheck did not find such a claim to be true.  Where spreading: In Bangladesh, social media has been posting these pictures on various Facebook posts, claiming, “Turkish and Pakistani troops on their way to Palestine. Saudi Arabia is scheduled to send an air force tomorrow. O Allah, accept these brave soldiers. Protect the Muslims. ”  Also, a similar claim is being made from a YouTube channel called ZAKI MOMENTS. On May 10, a video was posted from this channel entitled "Turkish Scholars on Their Way to Palestine". Watch the video: FactCheck:  In both English and Arabic versions of Al Jazeera, the keyword "Turkish Scholars on Their Way to Palestine" has been searched differently.  But no news was found on Al Jazeera's website.  A search on the popular ...


 INTRODUCTION  For a civil engineer need to consider to build safe, beautiful and sustainable structure within the clients amount of budget. For that reason its very important to make sure the quality of construction work and construction materials. Now i want to describe some important things about some construction materials:  1. Brick:Brick is very important construction materials. It uses all over the world because it is cheap. STANDARD SIZE OF BRICKS In Bangladesh according to Public work department specification, each brick should measure 9.5"x4.50"x2.75".This is the standard size of bricks in our country. There are others sizes brick also. But this size is most economical, because when bricks are put in any construction with mortar the size becomes 10"x5"x3" (approximately) the size of walls which are constructed by bricks in our country are 3", 5", 10", 15", 20",25" and 30" so his size of bricks can be used safely...